
Case Study: Communicating Effectively – International Women's Day with Circor

We partnered with Circor for International Women’s Day – March 8, 2021, the theme for which was #ChooseToChallenge. The theme reminded us that a challenged world is a changed world, and without individuals willing to challenge the status quo (which had led to gender inequity for so many, for so long), things would never truly change. For that reason, our focus in this workshop was on communicating effectively to encourage assertiveness in individuals raising these challenges.

#ChooseToChallenge - International Women’s Day 2021

International Women’s Day is upon us! This year’s theme is Choose To Challenge.

Since the start of the pandemic, we have seen an abundance of data and research done on the impact of the pandemic on women.

With this abundance of data comes a long list of ways we can choose to challenge in 2021. At Gild Collective, we’re focusing on a few areas to drive impact—both in our own lives and within the organizations we work with to shift workplace cultures and break down gender barriers.

Case Study: Confident Communications During Job Searching for Xavier University Alumni

The economy, like every other aspect of life, what rocked in unprecedented ways when COVID-19 hit in early 2020. The Xavier University Office of Alumni Engagement (a longtime partner of ours) decided to provide the graduating seniors and alumni community with resources for the daunting task of job searching during an economic downturn. We created this session, Confident Communications During Job Searching, to help them on their job search journeys.

Socially Constructed Gender Norms for Communication (and How to Begin Ignoring Them)

When we explore the socially constructed gender norms for men and women, it does not take long to recognize that the ideal behavior for men aligns with key characteristics we expect to see in leaders, while the ideal behavior for women aligns with the supporting roles. This is especially true when we outline expectations for how each gender communicates. 

Find Your Voice and Own It

Having women in leadership actually encourages other women to speak up and bring their ideas forward. So speak up and encourage your fellow female leaders to do so. Speak with passion and authority and please don’t apologize.