Photo by fauxels
This Wednesday, March 8th, 2017 is International Women’s Day.
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.
This day has been recognized since the early 1900s and gives humans everywhere the opportunity to focus on unity, celebration, and action. This year’s theme—Be Bold for Change—is a critical push to work towards purposeful collaboration. Collaboration that will challenge unconscious bias, encourage women and girls to go after the highest levels of their goals, and create a more inclusive culture for all.
If you were wondering if we need each person to be bold this year, consider that according to the World Economic Forum, North America is actually moving further away from closing the gender gap.
This day isn’t just a day, it is the starting point for change. On Wednesday, you can rally together with others to celebrate successes and progress, and on Thursday, it’s time to get to work. Begin by understanding your current organization’s commitment to diversity of all types, look for opportunities to educate and improve, and start the change from within.
Go forth and #BeBoldForChange!
More information can be found on the official International Women’s Day website.
If you’re in the Cincinnati area like us at Gild Collective, check out some of these local events!
Wednesday, March 8th: Women Who Code screening of CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap
Wednesday, March 15th: Ellevate Network screening of She Started It
Thursday, April 6th: Women in Digital Conference (We’ll be there! Use code CINCIWID for $10 off!)