Rachel Bauer


rachel bauer

Rachel Bauer is the Co-Creator of the Gender Inequity Simulator from Gild Collective.

Rachel has an innate sense when something is not fair or equitable, and is often the first to point it out.

– much to the chagrin of her classmates growing up.

She has an undergraduate degree from Kent State University and a master’s degree in Higher Education Administration from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Rachel’s background in student support for first generation and nontraditional students as well as designing diversity and inclusion curriculum gives her the unique blend of skills necessary to support individuals in their journey to becoming allies and champions of inclusion efforts.

She naturally thinks of all clients, whether they are training participants or leadership going through systems change consulting, as students at their core. Rachel’s goal is to achieve success metrics and learning outcomes through facilitating conversations that are as welcoming as they are uncomfortable – because she knows this blend is what allows individuals to truly engage.

Rachel lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband Reid, three children, and three pets. Through her own lived experience as a business owner and mother, as well as the many intimate conversations with clients and mountains of research she has consumed, Rachel has become incredibly passionate about the inequitable workloads that working mothers carry at home and in the office. She is working toward a future where women’s invisible work becomes visible so that it can be delegated and paid accordingly. In her free time, Rachel is always planning a hypothetical art or organization project for someone with actual free time to do it. She is also working toward doing ten consecutive (unassisted!) pull ups by the end of 2023.


rachel bauer's family